Ship registering/authorization support
We prepare the authorization documentation of floating establishments (ships, boats, pontoons, etc.), as required by the National Transport Authority (technical description, lineplan, hydrostatic characteristics, stability and leakage computation, general arrangement plan, structural strength verification, machinery space arrangement, arrangement of equipment and fittings, electrical plans, fresh water-, waste water- and fuel system installation drawings, fire protection plan and safety plan, etc.). We supervise and evaluate the trials and tests of the ship. We consultate with the authorities until the ship gets the necessary certificate.
Plan documentations for national registering and authorization: Plans for the approval of ships, boats, floating objects, dredgers etc. that were bought abroad, to sail Hungarian inland waterways.
Change of class: In most cases, this means re-classification of a small boat as 'service boat' or 'passenger boat'.
Serial production license: We support the type approval of serially-produced ships, floating objects and dredgers.
CE-qualification: we offer professional support
ISO-qualification: we offer professional support
Dimensional change: we document dimension-changing modifications of ships
Re-motorization, propulsion replacement: we document the modifications
Extension of authorization: we prepare the documentation necessary for extending/re-activating the expiring certificate of a ship/floating object.
Passenger boats

'Bavaria Sport 34'
motor yacht 11.70 m in length
class change to passenger boat

'Bayliner 2452 Ciera Express' motor yacht
class change to passenger boat

'Bayliner 300 Cruiser'
motor yacht 9.60 m in length
class change to passenger boat

'Cranchi Endurance 41'
motor yacht 12.99 m in length
Hungarian license, class change to passenger boat

'Cranchi Zaffiro 34'
motor yacht 11.20 m in length
class change to passenger boat

'Crownline 340 CR'
motor yacht 11.10 m in length
class change to passenger boat

Watertaxi, Lake Fertő
passenger boat 9.20 m in length
Hungarian license, class change to passenger boat

'Gobbi 345 SC' motor yacht 11.35 m in length
class change to passenger boat

'Vác 9.30' motor yacht
class change to passenger boat and service boat

'Monterey 295 CR' motor yacht 9.05 m in length
class change to passenger boat

'Performance 1107' motor yacht 12 m in length
class change to passenger boat

'Performance 1407' motor yacht 15 m in length
class change to passenger boat

'Regal 3260 Commodore' passenger boat 9.80 m in length
class change to passenger boat

'Rinker 280' motor yacht 9.14 m in length
class change to passenger boat

'Tiara 9.2' passenger carrier motor yacht
class change to passenger boat
Pleasure boats

'Barchetta 15'
pleasure boat 4.8 m in length
CE-certificate, serial-production license, pleasure boat

'Diva 24'
plastic motor boat 7.3 m in length
CE-certificate, serial-production license, pleasure boat
Service boats

'Bella Falcon 26 Fantino' Danube customs police boat
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Drago Fiesta 660'
plastic boat 6.6 m in length
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

plastic boat 5.1 m in length
class change to service boat

'Hannover' customs police boat

'KH 808'
motor boat
class change to service boat

'Merry Fisher 6 Marlin'
plastic boat 6 m in length
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Nimbus Max II Coupé' police patrol boat
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Pákász 1' plastic boat
Educational boat for learners

'Quicksilver 430 Heavy Duty XS' motor boat
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Deltabay RIB635'
motor boat
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Selva 480 Pro' motor boat
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Silver Cabin 650' motor boat 6.5 m in length
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Sport 500'
plastic boat 4.8 m in length
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Stingray 230 SX' plastic boat 6.9 m in length
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Valiant DR 620 ' motor boat
Hungarian license, class change to service boat

'Zodiac Pro II 420'
motor boat
Hungarian license, class change to service boat
Sailing yachts

'Balaton295' sailing yacht
CE-certificate, serial-production license

'Half tonner' plastic sailing yacht
Full licensing documentation (Hungarian license)

'Nautic 311' plastic sailing yacht 9.5 m in length
Licensing documentation: capacity re-examination

'Scholtz 8.8 Daysailer' sailing yacht 8.8 m in length
Licensing documentation
Floating objects

MasterDock N-type modular floating dock
Hungarian license, different arrangement options

MasterDock W-type modular floating dock
Hungarian license, different arrangement options

Floating dredger, Babót
New separator, licensing documentation

'RS8' gravel dredger, Hejőpapi
Licensing documentation

'FFA Fiebeig S6500' floating dredger, Jánossomorja
Licensing documentation

'SG45K' floating dredger
Licensing documentation

Floating dredger in Tiszatarján
Licensing documentation