About us
The company
Pelsoproject - Ship Design and Consultancy - was founded in 1991 by Péter Pál Lehel, naval architect and enterpreneur.
Our company became an Ltd. in 2006.
Our main activity is ship design. Our products range from pleasure sailing yachts and motor boats, through 1000-person passenger ships up to car ferries, merchant ships and special-purpose floating objects such as ice-breakers. Besides the design activity, we also engage ourselves in the production supervision, the tests, trials and measurement procedures of ships. We also support our clients with guidance, valuation, expert activity and professional studies.

Péter Pál Lehel (1951-2019)
founder of the company, Naval architect (MSc) - technical expert
Graduated in naval architecture, from the University of Rostock (Germany). After his return to Hungary, he started working for the design office of shipyard "Balatonfüredi Hajógyár". From 1984, he was the chief designer, who controlled the development, design and construction of the custom-built ships as well as the serial-products of the shipyard.
The beginning of the '90-s found him leading the design department of Shipyard ÖSWAG (Korneuburg, Austria) as the chief naval architect. As the shipyard was reorganized and later closed down, he decided to return to his homeland. At that time, the political transition in Hungary came along with the outblossoming of new possibilities that encouraged him to found the Pelsoproject Ship Design Office, already before his final return to Hungary.
Besides managing both business and professional activity of the company, he took on a mission to educate new generations of naval architects and shipbuilders as well.
Our team

Matluka Ágoston
Mechanical engineer (MSc),
Naval Architect - technical expert
Graduated in mechanical engineering, from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, he has 20 years of experience and an outstanding knowledge of CAD systems.
He is also a qualified economist expert engineer, who graduated from the University of Dunaújváros.
His professional activity covers the preparation of preliminary designs, project plans, technical-economical valuation of different concepts, cost-benefit analyses and cost optimizing. As a design engineer, he is most often busy with ship propulsion, machinery, equipment and installations of ships, but he is also comfortable with structural strength analysis (also fith FEM), design and construction management of steel structures.

Lukács Ádám
Naval architect (MSc),
Naval architect - technical expert
Graduated in naval architecture, from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, he has more than 10 years of experience and is an excellent user of computational design and analysis tools.
He is also a qualified economist, specialized in economic management, graduated from the University of West Hungary.
His special field includes: interior and outer design, weight calculation, ship hydrostatics, resistance computations, hull shape design, stability computations and strength computations (using FEM), design of hull structures, detail drawings by using advanced 3D design software. He is also familiar with propulsion, engine installation, shafting, steering gear, etc.. He supports the production process by workshop drawings and cutting patterns. He is capable of designing and supervising the manufacture of composite stuctures as well.

Sábitz László
Naval architect (MSc)
Graduated in naval architecture, from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, he has 10 years of engineering experience. He contributes to the work of the office by using his 3D design skills and programming skills to carry out different types of simulation, such as torsional vibration analyses, FE strength computations and CFD analysis. As a design engineer, he draws plans of, and analyzes hull structures and superstructures. He deals with ship hydrostatics, stability and leakage computations and works out workshop drawings as well.
Our ex-colleagues, who - during their years in our team - contributed to the success of our engineering office:
Rózsa Lászlóné (1991–2003)
Fülöp Tamás (1999–2004)
Hunyadi Balázs (2002-2006)
Micskó Péter (2006- 2008)
Vig Márton (2000-2014)